About Adrian

Adrian was born in the bush suburbs of Sydney, Australia, in the mid-1970s to a drama teacher and a postman. While his mother taught the local waifs and strays to walk the boards, his father buzzed about the bush on a motorcycle delivering letters and stuff. According to family folklore, a kangaroo once jumped onto the back of this motorcycle and rode behind his father for some time before hopping off. While there is no evidence of this ever happening, it does go some way to explaining where Adrian found his love of storytelling.
Eventually, the family moved back to the UK, where Adrian was raised in a chaotic series of building sites that occasionally resembled a household.
He and his older sister shared a love of music, though different in style. While she would go on to become a professional classical musician, Adrian squandered his talents on playing guitar and keyboards in bands, one of which is still going strong today.
Pursuing a career in his second passion, software, it was not until his thirties that Adrian wrote his first book, From the Storm, which he self-published. It did quite well. He then went on to write The End of the World Running Club, which was picked up by Penguin Random House and became an international bestseller, featuring on Simon Mayo's Book Club on BBC Radio 2 and being endorsed by none other than Stephen King.
He has published numerous other novels and short stories since then, all of which can be found on this website. Not quite science fiction, his stories range from the obscure to the dystopian with a unique style that has been praised as much for its poetry as its pace, articulacy, and humour.
Like many authors, Adrian's writing has not yet been financially successful enough to support itself, and he therefore enjoys a day job as a software engineer in cyber security. If you would like to support Adrian's work, then you can send him a tip using the button below. He'll be chuffed if you do.
He lives in the surprisingly sunny Aberdeen, in northeast Scotland, with his wife, two children, dog, cat, another cat, and apparently now a horse.